Monday, September 29, 2014

Kick-Off Rally at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship... Behind the scenes!

BREAKING NEWS:  We just received the preliminary report for the 1st three days of the vigil: 128 prayer warriors at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility prayer site (new location:  7989 West Virginia Drive, Dallas).  And that's just the ones who have signed in, and it's not uncommon for people to forget to sign-in... so don't forget to sign in! :)
                             PRAY TO END ABORTION                              

Kick-off Rally attendees listened to speakers: Karen Garnett (Exec. Dir. of  Catholic Pro-Life Committee & Pro-Life Dallas which sponsors the 40 Days for Life Dallas fall campaigns);  Ramona Trevino (author/speaker/former Planned Parenthood manager who walked away from the abortion industry giant);  Chris Wheel and Jettie Johnson (TurnAround Agenda Family Services of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church); keynote speaker David Bereit (founder and National Director of 40 Days for Life) AND SURPRISE visit from Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of the 10,000 member church -- Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship speaking profound words of encouragement and offering prayers. 
Full Circles:
Lobby sign-up desk was manned by our faithful vigil coordinator who has personally stood vigil for countless hours.  The lady at the check-in was in Bryan-College Station Texas during the very FIRST 40 Days for Life campaign in 2004. Her grandfather told her back then, "Why don't you go out there and join them?" Who would have known that both she and 40 Days for Life founder David Bereit would be here in Dallas 10 years later kicking off the 2014 40 Days for Life campaign? God knew!  Things come in full circle.

Many thanks to the Translation Team who provided through headsets translation for Spanish speaking attendees.

And most especially thank you Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship staff and faithful members for opening wide your doors to host the 2014 Kickoff Rally.  We appreciate all your warmth, welcome and Christian charity ... all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for His little ones (and His grown-up ones too).


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