Friday, October 26, 2012

Christ's partnership saving lives

We couldn't do it without them.   Every day, every hour, that abortions are happening, there are trained sidewalk-counselors outside the abortion center.  They are there to offer an alternative to death and to receive those women and men who hear God's call to embrace the blessing of life.  And where do these women and men turn? To the neighboring pregnancy resource centers which offer real help and real love ... His love.

Guadalupe Radio Network recently interviewed the director of one of the pregnancy resource centers neighboring the 40 Days for Life-Vigil site.  She reported that her center had counseled an abortion-minded woman who saw you -- the people praying -- outside Southwestern late-term abortion facility.  She took it as a sign from God, turned her car around and went to the pregnancy resource center instead.

Resulting in...  a Baby saved!!!

Join us on the sidewalk, and witness to the power of Christ's family in a partnership of prayer, compassion and charity ... saving lives and converting hearts through His grace!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day & Night... Knights & Days

Not enough good things can be said about the men who have have diligently committed themselves to praying during the late night vigil hours (most of whom are Knights of Columbus devoted to the cause of life!).  One Knight reported: 
"We had good coverage last night... my Brother Knight arrived at 7 pm and stayed till 10 pm.  I arrived with another Knight at around 8:30 pm and stayed till about 12:30 am. We pushed to make the "Knight Owl" designation!! (An honor for those who stand vigil for 4 hours or more) . 

While there, a women drove by and asked my Brother Knight if that was an abortion clinic behind him, and when he said "yes", she answered, "good - I was looking for one", and sped off.  (Lord have Mercy - prayers needed!)   But later, a nice young couple pulled up to the drive and asked if they could do anything for us. They had their baby with them who could not have been more than a couple months old. The couple told us they lived in the area and appreciated all that 40 Days for Life is doing. They attend a non-denominational church and couldn't help but stop and see if we needed help that night.  It was great to see firsthand that we are also making an impact in the community, and that others want to join us in this effort." 

+ + +
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
(The Prayer of Saint Francis)

Record Day!

This year, the 40 Days for Life-Dallas campaign has had its share of obstacles from technical difficulties to stretches of hours that needed to be filled after the campaign began.   But God heard our prayers, and our computers kept humming and the prayer volunteers kept coming. 

Amid all the details drawing our focus ... He was doing the real work.  His mercy was converting hearts.  His grace was saving lives.  We must reminder ourselves, daily, this is ultimately about Him ... hearing his faithful and answering their prayers.

And answering them He did!  It is with great joy we announce that last year's record (23 babies saved outside late-term abortion facility in Dallas) has been broken! 

babies saved and counting!!
26 moms (2 were carrying twins!) chose Life for their babies

... that we know of... so far.  :)

And the campaign is not yet over.  We still need your prayers and His miracles!!

We thank You, Holy Triune God, for Your great mercy!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Suffering met us on the sidewalk today

A member of the clergy shared with me the struggles of the post-abortive penitents. They receive "all the Church has to offer in that regard" and are "restored to full participation in the Church. "... but they "continue to have great emotional spiritual difficulties." This is an all too common story.

That suffering met us on the sidewalk today. She looked tired. Her shoulders drooped, and her eyes contemplated the ground. Her sister held her with a concerned gaze. She is suffering with continual bleeding following an abortion several weeks ago. As she entered the facility for her scheduled follow-up appointment (a pregnancy test to see if the abortion was 'successful'), her sister came to the nearby pregnancy resource center for advice

A short time later, the despondent young woman emerged from the abortion facility. She joined her sister at the pregnancy resource center, and reported the pregnancy test registered "positive," and that there would most likely be another surgical procedure tomorrow because of "blood clots"  At least that's what they told her.  What does that really mean? It was likely a botched abortion, and she is continuing to hemorrhage. She may have damage to her uterus and cervix.  The remains of her child likely remain inside her. 

Sidewalk counselors and the pregnancy resource center were able to get her an appointment with a 'real' OBGYN tomorrow, give her supplies to help her family, and information about the hope and healing offered through The Rachel Ministries.  Upon leaving the center, phone numbers, prayers and God's blessing were shared.  There were spontaneous "hugs".  Love. Care. Mercy. Compassion.  

How many "walking wounded" suffer in the wake of their choice ... or the choices of others who had abortions? After 40 years of abortion on demand, statistics show 1/3 of all women have had an abortion by the age of 45; add the parents, friends, boyfriends, and husbands who participated in or even coerced the abortion, and the effect of abortion in this country is pandemic. Everyone is now affected by abortion ... and we are suffering for it.  This is the staggering reality that keeps many of us praying on the sidewalks outside abortion centers.
Christians holding hands with Christians on a path ... to Jesus.   

One soul at a time.


Pray Pray Pray 

Are you or someone you know suffering from abortion?
The Rachel Ministries can help.
214-544-CARE -
972-679-4760 - (en espaƱol)

Learn more about post-abortion healing:
Post-Abortion Pastoral and Professional Conference
November 9th (for clergy only) & November 10th (for health professionals)
More info and register at
Sponsored by Abortion AfterCare-Healing / The Rachel Ministries

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sidewalk Shuttle or Chris the Cabbie

The congregation of St. Michael in Garland was in full force on the sidewalk.  These folks, like so many others, step on the concrete and get to work right away offering prayers. Some had the distinct privilege of being dropped-off curbside.

We dub him, "Chris the Cabbie".  Chris took his work holiday (Columbus Day) to shuttle others in his big white extended truck. Not surprising, Chris is a member of Knights of Columbus.

Chris started late morning taking groups of people from the church to the vigil site and back, continuing throughout the afternoon.  Several of his passengers were "first timers" to come and pray during 40 Days for Life.

After Chris dropped them off, fellow Knight Ronnie took over making sure everyone was signed in and 'situated'.  Ronnie has committed each year to be on the sidewalk midnight to midnight. He thinks this may be his 5th or 6th time to do so, and this year has been no different.  He stands stalwart at his post -- a retired Marine who knows what it means to sacrifice for others.

In asking, "Well, how did it go?" to some of the first-timers. The responses were overwhelmingly positive. One lady asked, "When are others out here ... I mean during the rest of the year?" She plans to regularly pray after the 40 Days campaign ends.

We join her in prayers that abortion will end soon.

Are you interested in joining the efforts on the sidewalk after the campaign?  Visit to learn more about the prayer and counseling presence outside the 5 Dallas abortion centers throughout the year.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Praying & Shivering for the Future: Babies

As the incoming cold front began moving into the area late this evening, I felt urged to go to the vigil site instead of blogging about it.  I quickly grabbed a hoodie and headed for the car. From the car radio I could hear a man's voice (presumably a priest) leading others in praying the rosary. Many gentle voices wafted in echoed response to each "Ave" as brisk gusts of northern air blew against the car. At the beginning of each decade, a youthful sounding voice firmly said:  "We are the children of God, praying for the families of God..." and all across the country, others privately joined them in prayers for our country.

Upon arrival at the vigil site, a group of about five or six men stood huddled in a circle praying.

Apart from those men, another man wearing only a thin jacket, stoically stood holding a "Pray to End Abortion" sign.

A couple with their five children bundled up in blankets, all closely held one another while they prayed the rosary together as a family.

Taking a separate place closer to the other end of the the abortion facility, I knelt on the sidewalk. Lights were on inside the facility.

Sometime later, the group of men as well as the man holding the sign left; only the couple by themselves remained. The couple had already tucked their children into the warmth of their vehicle with the older children to sleep, as it was late.  We quietly exchanged "good night(s)" and "thank you(s)".  Both of their shining faces reflected love and warmth. When I drove away, I looked into my rear view mirror towards them.

The couple remained together on the sidewalk.

We are the children of God, praying for the families of God... 

 + + +

Holy Almighty God, we offer up to you all those
in this country and throughout the world:
all those who are contemplating, participating in, suffering from abortion,
including all who have been effected by the same. 
Lord, have Mercy upon us. 
Christ, have Mercy upon us.
Lord, have Mercy upon us.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time is Ticking for a baby. PRAY

Kay (not her real name) sat with her boyfriend in the car today during the "observation" time after taking the first half of RU486, sometimes called the "French abortion pill".  It's a dangerous two-part abortion drug(s) that even many "pro-choice" folks think is inadvisable.

If RU486 were peanut butter, the FDA would have it off the shelves within a day.

Sullen. She wouldn't look or talk to those praying for her on the sidewalk ... neither would he. After an hour, Kay and the boyfriend went into the abortion center for only a few minutes and came back out. She was clearly upset. In the car she began to cry. Her shoulders shook.

The sidewalk counselor caught Kay's eye and mouthed: "Are you OK?" She shook her head as he was moving the car toward the exit. The boyfriend stopped the car and rolled down the window. A short but intense dialogue opened up.

She was having second thoughts about her decision. There is still time.

A doctor's name was given to her. "Call them...  They will take you right away." The sidewalk counselor and Kay exchanged names.  Kay repeatedly said, "thank you" before they drove away.

The sidewalk counselor called the doctor's office and gave them a heads-up.

Hopefully Kay will call.

Tonight and tomorrow, Kay will decide whether to take the second set of pills ... or not.

Babies have survived RU486 and were born healthy. 

Pray for protection for Kay and her baby. 

Time is ticking.

+ + +  
Archangel's Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day battle;
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do thou, Prince of the heavenly host,
By the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits,
That prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Crying on the Steps

Today, a young woman, like so many who come to the abortion center ... cried.

While others offered vital prayers, sidewalk counselors saw her sitting on the steps at the side entrance of the abortion facility ... crying.  They called out to her: "Come to us"

"There is free help available for you and your family. There are other options available for you."

"Come talk to us."

But before she got up from the steps to walk to the sidewalk counselors, an abortion center worker walked out the side entrance and also talked to her.

This has happened before. On a previous day, the abortion center worker stood between a woman and a sidewalk counselors, blocking the mother's view of those reaching out to offer free help to her. The abortion center worker had a clipboard in hand.  Papers to sign.  That woman was crying too.

Today, in the midst of her tears, this mother found the strength to rise from the steps and walk to the sidewalk counselors.

She was greeted with love and warmth and care. The sidewalk counselor and this young mother walked together toward one of the nearby pregnancy resource centers.

She came to the abortion facility without hope. With courage she walked away from this place of despair.
She chose Life... and she is going to have twins!

+ + +

All honor and glory are Yours O Great Triune God!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rain and tears drops ... a baby saved!

Umbrellas dotted the sidewalks from late last night through today. The much needed gentle rain continues to fall from the heavens above.  Today is the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel and All Angels ... lots of angel tears today.

One couple stood under a flimsy umbrella. He was holding his portable oxygen tank.  They drove from McKinney, Texas in the rain to join others from their parish,  St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Churchto pray outside the Southwestern late-term abortion facility. The rain was incidental to their sacrifice to come and pray.

She peeked out from under her umbrella and said with a soft smile that they could only stay for about 30 minutes to pray because of his health.  He stood straight and firm with determined kind eyes. Sturdy souls these two.   Despite his health, this couple also volunteers to help moms and families in need. Earlier this week, they arranged delivery of a baby crib and household items for a new mom.

It was during those thirty minutes of their prayers when a mother changed her mind and left the abortion center.  Tears rolled down the young mother's cheeks as she told the sidewalk counselor that she was not going to have the abortion.

For this baby and each new life, Holy Father You deemed to create, we give You thanks and praise. For each rain drop and tear drop shed this day, we offer to Thee thanksgivings. With all the Angels and Saints, we give Thee praise and bless Thy Holy Name, O Lord our God.

Bless the Lord, all you His Angels; you that are mighty in strength, 
and execute His Word.
Bless the Lord, all you His hosts; you ministers who do His will. 

You Angels and Archangels, you Thrones and Dominations,
you Principalities and Powers,
You Virtues of the Heavens, Cherubim and Seraphim,
Bless the Lord forever.

from the Tridentine Roman Missal

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Church hears the call and steps up!

Priest Sighting.  (Parishioners love to brag on their shepherds who come out to the sidewalk!)  Recently ordained priest, Fr. Reuben Chen, Parochial Vicar at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton,  came to the sign-up table after Mass awhile back and signed up.  And that was just the beginning.  He announced the vigil during daily Masses to encourage others to come out to pray.  And on his church's adopted day, there was Fr. Reuben on the sidewalk.  He is the first "priest sighting".  Thank you Fr. Reuben for standing with your parish family.  Your presence and prayers proclaims: The Church is HERE!)

24 Hour Club Alert.   Also on the sidewalk is 24 Hour Club, Knights of Columbus prayer warrior, Minh Tran. He plans to be out there even more this Fall.  During this past year, Minh and others from his church regularly came to pray. THANK YOU, Minh!

The Carpool.  A wonderful "SEAS" lady ran carpool most of her church's adopted day for those who wanted to go to the vigil site, but needed a way to get there. What a great idea!  She brought a group, prayed, loaded back up ... and off she went to fetch another group. THANK YOU, dear lady, for your prayers and sacrifice!

+ + + 
Holy Almighty God, we give you thanks and praise. amen


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hand in Hand...

... they exchanged their vows: "... in sickness and in health..."

Now one of them has cancer.

For the next seven weeks, virtually coinciding with the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign outside Southwestern late-term abortion facility, they will be traveling past the vigil site en route to the hospital for chemo treatments.

They decided that every day after the cancer treatment, they will stop by the vigil site  — once again, hand in hand — to pray, uniting their mental and physical sufferings with Christ's and the babies who are dying. 

It is one more opportunity after raising their children and serving the community through faithful pro-life witness, to honor the God whom they trust.

They are not people who want adulations for what they are doing. They prefer anonymity.

We are inspired by this couple ... and challenged ... to do more!  Much more.

+ + +

Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.
Blessed be His Holy Name for it is He 
who has made us and not we ourselves.
May He be blessed praised worshipped and adored
by all His creatures in heaven and on earth.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

“Is this an abortion clinic?”

The man showed us the address scribbled on a scrap of paper.

He lost his job. Now his work often takes him away from his family, who Skype, Twitter, text, call, email in order to stay as close as possible during the time he is away. Someone from University of Dallas jotted down the address of the abortion facility for him.

“We agreed. My wife and I agreed that I should go pray at the abortion clinic and pray for everyone:  the abortionist, the workers, the women, all of you … everyone! That’s what it’s about right? Prayer!  40 Days for Life is coming up … I’ll be there!”  

Where will you be?
Join us September 26 – November 4 at the 24/7 Vigil:
Southwestern late-term abortion center
(NE Corner of Greenville @ Royal Lane)

More info available at

Locations by state/country: 

+ + +
"If my people, who are called by My Name,
will humble themselves and pray
and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Message of Love, A Message of 'Yes'

Last year 3 men prayed at the vigil site for 24 consecutive hours … midnight to midnight.

Others logged in 24 cumulative hours … and more. Some of these gentlemen remained “on call” for the late night vigil hours.

There were those who came to the vigil site every day (or almost every day). These folks arrived, signed-in, peacefully said their prayers, then left as quietly as they came.

There were others who came to the sidewalk for the first time, and left forever changed. 

Some folks made commitments to regularly pray outside one of the five abortion centers in Dallas throughout the year.

These prayer warriors made a difference.  They made a difference to the other 24 hour "club" that no one really wants to join.

That's the women who come for an appointment with an abortionist and wait for at least 24 hours (by TX law) to contemplate the "choice", that they so often feel forced to make, of whether to end the life of their child.

For at least 24 hours, these women are contemplating:   YES(I will choose Life for this child) or “NO” (I will not allow this baby to live).
The peaceful, prayerful presence of 40 Days for Life is a message of love, a message of "Yes" to these women and their children. 

How much time can you commit for one woman? … for one child? ... for one soul?   

Come pray with us… come pray for Life!!!

Southwestern late-term abortion facility
Greenville Ave. @ Royal Ln. – Dallas Texas
September 26 – November 4, 2012

God’s continual merciful blessings in all that you do for His children.
