Thursday, October 25, 2012

Record Day!

This year, the 40 Days for Life-Dallas campaign has had its share of obstacles from technical difficulties to stretches of hours that needed to be filled after the campaign began.   But God heard our prayers, and our computers kept humming and the prayer volunteers kept coming. 

Amid all the details drawing our focus ... He was doing the real work.  His mercy was converting hearts.  His grace was saving lives.  We must reminder ourselves, daily, this is ultimately about Him ... hearing his faithful and answering their prayers.

And answering them He did!  It is with great joy we announce that last year's record (23 babies saved outside late-term abortion facility in Dallas) has been broken! 

babies saved and counting!!
26 moms (2 were carrying twins!) chose Life for their babies

... that we know of... so far.  :)

And the campaign is not yet over.  We still need your prayers and His miracles!!

We thank You, Holy Triune God, for Your great mercy!


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