Monday, September 27, 2010

350 Prayer Volunteers!!! ... and Police

Day 3 Friday, September 24, 2010

The buses came... five of them... filled with people from all over the country attending Couples for Christ Handmaids for Family and Life USA National Conference in Dallas. This group is staunchly Pro-Life... and came to pray as part of the conference activities!

More than 350 people gathered in Harry S. Moss Park, processed across Royal Lane at Greenville and lined-up to pray outside Southwestern late-term abortion center with others.  As night began to fall, the candles each person held illuminated beautiful solemn faces... and they prayed... and sang... and prayed... to end abortion... to build a Culture of Life.

An impressive witness.
It seemed there were a gagillion Dallas police (uniformed/ plain clothes detectives), helping people safely across streets, blocking the right lane traffic next to the sidewalk with flares... flashing lights (also impressive). Some onlookers parked in Gaston Oaks Baptist Church parking lot across Greenville Avenue. By the way, Gaston Oaks Baptist Church has graciously opened the use of the parking lot to 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers during most hours of the day. (THANK YOU, Gaston Oaks!!)  The police stood guard and when it was time for the buses to load-up from the church parking lot, they also blocked traffic with police cars for the caravan.  God bless the Dallas police!

One of the ladies from the procession/prayer vigil remarked as she climbed onto one of the busses to leave, "Dallas is nice! We were in Chicago and the people threw stuff at us. And the police didn't do anything... anything.  Thank you!"

Yes, THANK YOU, Dallas Police Department, for your presence, your protection... and any private prayers you offer for the protection and defense of the unborn.

We thank Holy Almighty God for your sacrifice and service to keep peace... and will remember you in our prayers as well.

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