Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Cathedral wanted to man the first day of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil at Southwest abortion center. And did they! Coming up the hill on Greenville as dusk was settling, seeing so many out there, made this little heart leap. It's a work day for most of these folks. So many were coming from hard work days... to pray and sing... for the lives of the unborn... for the salvation of souls. It was a great joy to be with this mostly Hispanic group. They work hard. They pray harder.
The parish coordinators (two sisters, i.e. siblings) who were on the sidewalk all day, expressed encouragement not only by the good turn-out but also by those who dropped in from other churches. Both of their faces just glowed with joy! I guess that's what happens after spending almost an entire day in prayer... and with others doing the same.
Some of the highlights they told: Their priest (Fr. Henry) came around noontime to pray with them. (Thank you, Fr. Henry!!!!!) A Jesuit student just "happened" to show-up (by himself). A man riding his bicycle stopped and asked if he could join with them and pray for a little bit. A couple who had been active with 40 Days For Life in College Station ... plus some other folks from Fellowship Bible Church joined, too. They brought their Bibles with them... reading passages from Psalms, and offered prayers as the Holy Spirit directed them through the Sacred Word of God.
(If you were out here this day, please feel free to add comments. Everyone loves to read your stories from the sidewalk!!!)
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