Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Attention All Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust....

If you were born after January 22, 1973, you are a survivor of the American Abortion Holocaust.  As a survivor, you have great power against the evil of abortion.  There is great urgency for all of us to unite and storm heaven with prayers in memory of the 52 million victims who did not survive and on behalf of the 3,000 who continue to die each day in our country and cannot speak for themselves.  In response to this  urgent call to action, 40 Days for Life-Dallas is standing strong against the killing of babies up to 6 months of pregnancy at the Southwestern late-term abortion center. 

The presence of our youth prayerfully standing witness against the killing of the unborn is a powerful and awe-inspiring message!  Experience this peaceful, prayerful and powerful vigil on our first-ever
40 Days for Life-Dallas
Youth Day
Saturday, October 9th
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Southwestern late-term abortion center
8616 Greenville Ave. at Royal Ln. (NE corner)

To sign your youth group up for the day, half day, or even an hour, please contact Vigil Coordinator Susan Platt at 214-392-7545 or email For more information, visit

**Please note:  All Youth under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a Safe Environment Cleared Chaperone or Parent.** 

Also on October 9thRespect Life Month Mass, Adoration and Procession beginning with 8 a.m. Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Doug Deshotel  at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 9635 Ferndale Rd., Dallas and the 40 Days for Life- Dallas MIDWAY RALLY at noon at Harry S. Moss Park (across from the vigil site).

Don't miss this great day of pro-life witness!

***We welcome youth volunteers to assist at the Midway Rally.  If interested, please contact campaign coordinators Joanne Underwood or Lauren Muzyka at or 214-509-7195.***

Flyer Insert/Bulletin

Daytime Vigil Guidelines

Map and Directions

Sign up for an independent hour of prayer.

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